Category Archives: Bees

The bees are arriving soon!

I opened my email yesterday afternoon to this: To say I’m excited would be an understatement!  As my co-workers can confirm, I’ve been talking about bees, bees, and more bees.  It’s interesting how I’m now noticing very detailed things about this spring season’s arrival.  Knowing that I’m soon going to have bees who need to have trees and flowers to forage from has made me even more attuned to what tree buds have recently popped and even the sight of

What to expect when you’re expecting…

…roughly 6 pounds of fuzzy honey bees! Which translates into approximately 60,000 (give or take a few thousand) of the lovely ladies. Oh, and a few hundred dudes (i.e. drones), which are only good for one thing (wink, wink). So yes, in case you didn’t know, hubbie (Rob, Robert, Scott, Bert, or Bob-if you’re in Mexico) and I are getting bees this spring! I hope to post updates on our adventures (and misadventures) in beekeeping. Until then, bee good! (Disclaimer:

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