Guest blog: 4th installment in “Bob the Bee” series. #4: Stanley
Day Four
Note from Erika: for the previous guest posts by my super-creative niece, click 1. here, 2. here, and 3. here. Thanks Brooke!
Dear Diary,
Turns out he is the coolest Hawaiian bee but I’m still cool at…eating jalapeno pizza! Anyway, Stanley (the cat) thought I was one of those toy lights! Well today is my bros wedding and then he is going to go LIVE in Hawaii. He is just spoiled. Queen Elsa let me use her IPhone that she stole from the neighbours! I went on Instagram, Pinterest and of course Minecraft. Today I “stung” Erika 4 times because she was trying to brush knots out of my fur! I will tell more later. I need to shower.
~ Bobee